23.312 e dag

December 31, 2012 at 2:09 am | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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paul combrink 23.312 e dag

18:23:37 – Lagos – Groepen christenen in Nigeria zijn bang dat het geweld tegen christenen van afgelopen vrijdag duidt op de wederkomst van Jezus. Die wordt volgens het bijbelboek Openbaringen voorafgegaan door chaos en geweld./Vk

23.311 e dag

December 30, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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18:14:35 – RomeDr. Rita Levi-Montalcini, a Nobel Prize-winning neurologist who discovered critical chemical tools that the body uses to direct cell growth and build nerve networks,  died . She was 103./N.Y.T.

23.310 e dag

December 29, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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22:52:39 – Santiago – El Tribunal de Apelaciones de Santiago ha ordenado la detención de ocho exoficiales del Ejército chileno que habrían estado implicados en la muerte del cantautor Víctor Jara, que falleció en  el Estadio de Chile en 1973./el Pais

23.309 e dag

December 28, 2012 at 12:05 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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22:01:06 – Warsaw – A statue of Adolf Hitler praying on his knees has sparked controversy after going on display in the former Warsaw ghetto. The artwork by Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan, titled Him, has been installed in the Polish capital where thousands of Jews were killed or sent to their deaths by the Nazi regime./the Guardian

23.308 e dag

December 27, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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13:41:39 – Berlin – Kurz vor Silvester, dem Fest der Kartoffelchips, hat die Stiftung Warentest die Qualität der Knabbereien geprüft. Über die Hälfte der Sorten schneiden “gut” ab. Bei den Bio-Chips sieht es düster aus./Welt Online

23.307 e dag

December 26, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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16:26:50 – Johannesburg – Südafrikas früherer Präsident Nelson Mandela ist aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen worden. Der 94-Jährige werde „bis zu seiner völligen Genesung“ zu Hause betreut, teilte das Amt von Präsident Jacob Zuma am Abend mit./Handelsblatt

23.306 e dag

December 25, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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15:27:06 – Rome – Just two weeks after picking up an iPad and sending his first tweet, Pope Benedict XVI has called on Christians to find more time for God in a world increasingly dominated by gadgets./the Independent

23.305 e dag

December 24, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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16:34:10 – Berlin – Die Suche nach einem neuen Standort für die Galerie C/O Berlin findet ein Happy End. Das international renommierte Fotografieforum, das seinen alten Standort im ehemaligen Postfuhramt an der Oranienburger Straße in Mitte verlassen muss, zieht in das Amerika-Haus in Charlottenburg./der Tagesspiegel

22.304 e dag

December 23, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Posted in kunst | Leave a comment
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15:46:36 – Delhi – La police indienne a interdit les manifestations au centre de New Delhi de milliers de personnes protestant contre le viol collectif subi par une jeune étudiante, enfin en état, une semaine après les faits, de livrer son récit aux forces de l’ordre./le Monde

23.303 e dag

December 22, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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18:37:05 – London – Tracey Emin and Cindy Sherman create nude Playboy centrefolds. The next edition of Playboy magazine explores the female body in works of art by seven major artists./the Independent

23.302 e dag

December 21, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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23:59:56 – London – Baroness Thatcher is recovering in hospital after minor surgery. The former Prime Minister had an operation to remove a small growth from her bladder after undergoing examination./The Times

23.301 e dag

December 20, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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21:30:02 – CambridgeOntdekking van ‘God-deeltje‘ wetenschappelijk hoogtepunt.De ontdekking van wat vermoedelijk het Higgsbosondeeltje is, is door het Amerikaanse natuurwetenschappelijke tijdschrift Science uitgeroepen tot het wetenschappelijke hoogtepunt van 2012./Trouw

23.300 e dag

December 19, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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23:00:02 – Berlin – Anfang der Woche hat Israel erneut Siedlungspläne in besetzten Gebieten angekündigt. Nun sollen weitere Wohnungen hinzukommen.Vertreter der Uno sehen darin eine Sabotage der Friedensbemühungen in Nahost./Handelsblatt

23.299 e dag

December 18, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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10:23:29 -MadridTelevisión Española emitió ayer noche un serial sobre el asesinato del almirante Luis Carrero Blanco, ocurrido el 20 de diciembre de 1973, complementado con un documental titulado El consejero fiel./el Pais

23.298 e dag

December 17, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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21:51:17 – Leipzig – Mit einem 26 Meter großen Fensterbild zum 200. Jahrestag der Völkerschlacht bei Leipzig 1813 im kommenden Jahr will der Leipziger Künstler Fischer-Art für Geschichte sensibilisieren. “Mein Werk versteht sich als Antikriegsbild./the Epoch Times

23.297 e dag

December 16, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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paul combrink 23.297 e dag

23:00:05 – NEWTOWN – President Obama vowed to “use whatever power this office holds” to stop massacres like the slaughter at the school here that shocked the nation, hinting at a fresh effort to curb the spread of guns as he declared that there was no “excuse for inaction.” /N.Y.T.

23.296 e dag

December 15, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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paul combrink 23.296 e dag

16:17:33 – Washington – Ein Magenvirus hat Hillary Clinton zugesetzt. Sie dehydrierte, verlor die Besinnung und zog sich beim anschließenden Sturz eine Gehirnerschütterung zu. Eine NahostReise wurde abgesagt./Welt Online

23.295 e dag

December 14, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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12:43:36 – Hartford – Twenty children died when a heavily armed man invaded a Newtown, Conn., elementary school, killing his mother and spraying the school with bullets. Six adults were also slain, bringing the total to 26. The gunman, identified as Adam Lanza, 20, was killed inside of the school./ABC

23.294 e dag

December 13, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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16:52:07 – Kiev – En Ukraine, les députés passent, mais les méthodes demeurent. Au bout de deux jours, la nouvelle session du Parlement ukrainien ressemble déjà aux précédentes : on s’y exprime autant avec les poings qu’avec les mots, dans une atmosphère quasi insurrectionnelle./le Monde

23.293 e dag

December 12, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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14:09:05 – Marrakech – El grupo mayoritario de la oposición siria logró hoy en Marrakech el apoyo político explícito de 114 países de todo el mundo, pero este apoyo no estuvo acompañado de promesas concretas de financiación, ni menos de un levantamiento del embargo de armas./el Mundo

23.292 e dag

December 11, 2012 at 12:01 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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23:51:46 – San DiegoTime has stilled the Sitar of India’s musical ambassador Ravi ShankarShankar died in San Diego. Shankar became known in the 1960s after playing with Beatles guitarist George Harrison.His daughters, sitar player Anoushka Shankar and  Norah Jones, have also found fame as musicians./Washington Post

23.291 e dag

December 10, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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10:23:54 – Miami – At Art Basel Miami Beach, the stars line up to be seen – and be shocked. America’s hippest art fair has a reputation for pool parties and hedonism, but sales this year are expected to top £1.5bn./The Observer

23.290 e dag

December 9, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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16:18:03 – London – Scotland Yard has been in touch with Australian police over the death of a nurse from the hospital where the Duchess of Cambridge was being treated for morning sickness. Jacintha Saldanha, 46, died days after she answered a prank phone call from Australian DJs pretending to be the Queen and Prince Charles./BBC

23.289 e dag

December 8, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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 17:36:51 – Jeruzalem – Vijf Jeruzalemse restaurants hebben het hoofdrabbinaat van de stad aangeklaagd omdat de koosjer-inspecteurs hun religieuze en economische macht zouden misbruiken. Ze weigerden om de officiële koosjerinspecteurs toe te laten./Trouw

23.288 e dag

December 7, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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18:09:39 – London – Cat parasite toxoplasma uses ‘Trojan horse‘ to infect human brain and may cause suicidal thoughts and risk-taking.  Toxoplasma able to pass from the gut into the central nervous system, says report./the Independent

23.287 e dag

December 6, 2012 at 12:01 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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23:16:01 – Rio de Janairo – “You may like my buildings or you may not,” Oscar Niemeyer often said, “but you’ll never be able to say you’ve seen anything similar before.” Oscar Niemeyer, who has died aged 104, was one of the most innovative and daring architects of the last 60 years./the Observer

23.286 e dag

December 5, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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19:52:34 – New York – Le pianiste américain de jazz Dave Brubeck est mort à la veille de son 92e anniversaire. Il avait connu la gloire dans les années 1950 avec le tube planétaire Take Five, enregistré avec le quartette dont sont membres le saxophoniste Paul Desmond, le batteur Joe Morello et le contrebassiste Eugene Wright./le Monde

23.285 e dag

December 4, 2012 at 12:48 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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22:50:02 – York – Young people and families with children are increasingly facing homelessness, according to a study, which says rising numbers of people are finding themselves without a roof over their heads./the Guardian

23.284 e dag

December 3, 2012 at 12:00 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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17:02:32 – Berlin – Schon wieder eine neue Bibliothek: In Berlin eröffnet die Staatsbibliothek unter den Linden in einem spektakulären Neubau. Wozu all die Lesesäle? Stirbt das gedruckte Wort doch nicht aus?/Welt Online

23.283 e dag

December 2, 2012 at 12:04 pm | Posted in art, cultuur, fotografie, kunst | Leave a comment
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paul combrink 23.283 e dag

12:47:43 – AnnapolisCoats are major targets for robbery, but shoes have not gone out of style, and authorities say two men went into a Charles County school shortly after classes ended at North Point High and took an expensive pair./Washington Post

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